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The existence of neocolonialism and the influence of multi-national corporations

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Q: What are the two basic reasons that poor nations remain at the bottom of the world stratification order?
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What are the two basic reasons why nations remain stratified?

Nations remain stratified due to unequal distribution of wealth and power, leading to social hierarchies and systemic inequalities. Additionally, historical factors such as colonization, slavery, and discriminatory policies contribute to the persistence of social stratification within nations.

Do the Nordic nations remain neutral in foreign affairs?

i have no fukkn idea

To improve its standard of living a nations economy must?

Remain stable

When the US was able to trade with the warring nations of England and France how did they have to remain?


Can lemonade evaporate?

it depends which of the 8 seasons it is The lemonade cant evaporate but the water will and the sugarparticles will remain in the bottom The lemonade cant evaporate but the water will and the sugarparticles will remain in the bottom

What are some reasons you should remain physically healthy?

So you don't die.

What happens to salt water when it evaporates in a cup?

Salt remain as a residue at the bottom.

Does a ship wrecked in mid-ocean sink to the bottom or does it remain suspended at some great depth?

A wrecked ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

Why do the solutions not mixed in a separating funnel?

Solutions in a separating funnel separate into distinct layers based on their densities. The denser solution will settle at the bottom due to gravity, and the lighter solution will remain on top. Mixing would disrupt this stratification and cause the solutions to mix together, negating the purpose of the separating funnel.

Does a sea horse lay in the bottom of the tank?

If your seahorse is lying on the bottom of the tank, it's probably dead. They normally remain upright even when asleep.

What was the us foreign policy in the 1930s?

America tried to remain neutral while still supporting the allied nations

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self discipline, securtity, remain as debt free as possible