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the i dont like those people act

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Q: What acts contributed to nativist hatred of immigrants especially during WW1?
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What pushed factor contributed to an influx of Irish immigrants in the US during the mid-nineteenth century?

The major factor that led to a flood of Irish immigrants to the U.S. in the 1840s and 1850s is the potato famine which led to starvation and the deaths of almost half of the Irish population.

Which statement could have been made by a nativist during the late 19th century and early 20th century?

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What factors contributed to the Red Scare of the 1920s?

The labor strikes during the 20s, especially the Boston Police Strike of 1919, frightened Americans. It was feared that the strikes were being controlled by communist or socialist agitators or anarchists. There was also fear of immigrants during this time period. The Russian Revolution, the violence associated with it, and the take over of Russia by the Communists also added to the fear in American society. Many Americans believed that most immigrants were anarchists, communists, or worse, attempting to bring down the government and values that were the United States. The result of the Red Scare was the Palmer Raids ordered by Wilson's Attorney-General, A. Mitchel Palmer. He ordered the round up of immigrants and known anarchists and suspected communists and socialists and had them deported. Many were innocent immigrants caught up in the fear.

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There is absolutely no problem with the France weather for the people who are natives of France and other European countries. The weather is usually a problem for some of the immigrants especially during winter.

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This phenomenon is called the "critical period" theory, which suggests that there is a unique window of time during early childhood when language acquisition is especially rapid and successful. The nativist view posits that humans are born with an innate capacity for language learning, which is why children are able to learn language so quickly and effortlessly.


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