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Berlin, Germany

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Q: What European capital city was divided into 4 zones of occupation after World War 2?
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Which European capital city was divided into four zoes of occupation after World War 2?


What European Nation That Was Divided Was Divided Into Four Occupation Zones After World War 2?

Germany was divided into American, Soviet, French, and British occupational zones following WWII.

When was World War 2 with Germany Ended?

Germany and Berlin were divided into four parts.

What does occupaton mean?

cheese and crackers

How did Germany's occupation of Europe during World War 2 threaten world peace?

The Germany occupation of many European countries was created by the war that Germany began against them.

Which European country divided in world war 2?


What world capital is divided into twenty arrondissements?

Paris, France

Provisional capital of France during the German occupation in world war ii?

The provisional capital of France during the German occupation in World War 2 was Vichy. The government there is now known as the Vichy Government and is regarded as an illegitimate group of Nazi collaborators.

What European nation was divided into four occupation zones after World War 2?

Answer Germany & Austria were divided into four occupation zones. In each country France, Gr. Britain, the United States & the USSR administered one zone each. Germany. Also Berlin, which was entirely within the Soviet zone was likewise split into 4 zones of occupation.

Which best describes what happened to germany after world war ll?

It was divided into four occupation zones. :)

What European nation that was divided following world war 2?


What city was divided after World War 2?

It was Berlin the capital of Germany.