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Q: Kevin Ashman a British quiz machine won the World Quizzing Championships repeatedly as well as the top prizes on all but which of these shows?
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When was British Tabulating Machine Company created?

British Tabulating Machine Company was created in 1902.

Was the Enigma machine British?

The Enigma was the Germans' and the Ultra was the British machine. Then the British from HMS Bulldog were the first to capture the Enigma Machine from the U-110 in the North Atlantic on May 9th 1941. Then Poland helped the British to decipher the code.

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She is british.

British military small arms in 1954?

These are amongst the most common... Webley Revolver. Lee Enfield. Sten Machine Carbine. (Machine Carbine was the British equivalent of sub machine gun) Vickers Machine Gun. Bren Light Machine Gun.

What British machine decoded the German Enigma machine?

Perhaps you're thinking of the Bombe.

What machine gun was used in world war 1?

The British used the Vickers machine gun

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In the YouTube video titled Office Space Fax Machine, several people destroy a fax machine by hitting it repeatedly with a baseball bat until it is in tiny pieces.

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The PCR machine is called a thermocycler. It is used to automate the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process, which repeatedly heats and cools the sample to amplify specific DNA sequences.

What were the main british machine guns used in world war 1?

The Vickers machine gun was the primary machine gun they used in WWI.

Why did the Zulu Warriors ultimately lose to the British?

They could not successfully fight against British machine guns.

Who was the englishman that smuggled British machine ideas out of the country?

Samuel Slater