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They are offering many coins graded as MS70. Since PCGS has only eve graded ONE coin (outside of Proofs) as an MS70, it seems that grade inflation is rampant at WCG. ANSWER: they are UNreliable.

Well Maybe! Coin grading does not have a published standard which is accepted by all grading services. So if there is no standard then how are we to judge whether or not one service is "reliable or unreliable". Reliability or unreliability is dependent upon consistency. From what I have seen from WCG they are consistent in grading their coins and apparently have taken a stance that the full spectrum of coins, including MS70 are available in the market place. On the other hand PCGS is consistent in their stance that there are very few, if any, coins in the market place that will go the full spectrum to MS70. How many times have you heard that "this is a better coin than the existing grade indicates"? The converse can also heard that this coin is a lower grade than the existing grade given by that service. By whose standard???

Perhaps we in the coin community should push for a standard that all coin grading services must meet and reach a level of sophistication where services are "certified". Food for thought. The ANA has published grading standards, but there is still too much left to the individual grader's opinion, particularly in the Mint States. Is this bag mark "distracting" or not? How many bag marks are too many to rate an MS-62? Can a weak strike be MS-65 or better in a series where well-struck examples are scarce or unknown?

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