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Q: In the 1940s one result of portraying the Japanese as diabolical and craft waws that they were what?
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What In the 1940s one result of portraying the Japanese as diabolical and crafty was that they were?

all of the above my guy (apex) ;)

What group of people did the US government place in internment camps in the early 1940s?

Japanese and Japanese-Americans, many of whom were US citizens.

What goal did president roosevelt hope to achieve when he enacted on naval and aviation supplies in the 1940s?

to stop Japanese expansion

What are some 1940s internees called?

Try "Issei" which means first generation Japanese, who were of course interned during WW2.

What does Japan think of fascism?

Currently, most Japanese are horrified by fascism (and there is a strong pacifist movement in Japan), but historically, especially in the 1930s and 1940s, Japanese people were very patriotic and militaristic, making fascism popular.

Why did Mexican-Americans employment rate in the US during the early 1940s result from?

War time labor shortages in the u.s.

What is the value of a 1940s 50 yen?

Probably not much, as it would be a fake; the Japanese 50 yen coin only started being minted in 1955.

How did the Japanese feel about other countries in Asia during the 1940s?

The Japanese shared similar feelings to Hitler. Invade now, Think later. The Japanese wanted to invade the world with Hitler, so it would be common sense to think that they had a feeling of pure hatred toward the rest of Asia, and indeed the world.

Will there be a final countdown remake?

Actually there is a remake on the boards but with a major twist, 2012 USS Enterprise CVN 65 on a trip to Japan for a world farewell cruise emerge into 1940s and find itself in the path of the Japanese fleet off the Japanese home islands.

What was the name of the r in the 1940s?

there is a special name for an eara in the 1940s it is ragtime

What goal did Japanese leaders state to justify their policy of expansion and war in the 1930s and 1940s?

In the 1930s and 1940s, yet present in Japan much earlier (if also less aggressively), a firm goal of Japanese leadership was to replace Western nations such as the United States and Great Britain as the dominant power in Asia. This was a sincere goal, yet it went hand-in-glove (as a kind of justification and otherwise) with a policy of aggressive, even brutal, expansionism that included willingness to make war.

What is something that starts with a j in the 1940s?

jet aircraft mass production began in the 1940s