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Q: In the 1800s European nations looked to control other countries in part to expand trade networks and establish global military bases. This policy was known as . NextReset?
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Why were many European countries fighting for new land?

Many European countries were fighting for new land during periods like colonialism and imperialism because they sought to expand their power, wealth, and influence. Acquiring new territories allowed these countries to gain access to resources, establish trade routes, and establish military bases, ultimately increasing their economic and political dominance. Additionally, competition among European powers fueled the desire for expansion as countries aimed to surpass their rivals in territorial control.

What European imperialism did all of the following except?

establish a military force of member nations to enforce its objectives (A+)

What is The military goal of the European Union is .?

I doubt there's a common "military goal" for all the countries in Europe.

What European countries have the most military power?

Russia, France and United Kingdom.

What advantages did European countries gain by allying with a superpower?

European countries gained military assistance and geographical diversity.

What has the European union done?

The European Union has yet to fix its debt crisis or to create a military consisting of member nations to enforce their objectives.A+ = establish a military force of member nations to enforce its objectives ORpromote socialism.

What has the European Union not done?

The European Union has yet to fix its debt crisis or to create a military consisting of member nations to enforce their objectives.A+ = establish a military force of member nations to enforce its objectives ORpromote socialism.

What kind of weapons do the European army use?

There isn't a European Army. Europe is composed of several countries, each with its own military. Weapons and other military equipment in service varies between the countries which make up Europe.

How did Ethiopia differ from most other African countries in its experience with European imperialism?

Ethiopia was able to remain independent by defeating European military forces.

How was the military involved with European imperialism in Africa?

The military was involved in European imperialism in Africa by controlling unrest and protecting the citizens. Without their assistance, many European countries would have suffered significant loses due to attacks from locals.

What factors is not responsible for European dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries?

A shift of military power away from European countries was not responsible for European dominance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.