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the treaty gave rise to much ill feeling in Germany and this played a large part in bringing Hitler into power,under the terms of the treaty Germany lost territory,was restricted to an army of 100,000,without tanks or an airforce,they were also made to pay for damages caused in the previous,the French had insisted on the harshest terms,leading to very strong ill feeling,the treaty also forbade the German army from the Rhineland region,the french had occupied this region in the 1920's German citizens were beaten up women raped and other crimes including murder,in the east where German land had been lost to Poland,ethnic Germans had been driven from their homes more rape and murder and acts of what we now call ethnic cleansing,of course these chapters are left out of popular WW2 histories,although Hitlers attempt to invade and conquer a large part of the world can hardly be justified,the ill feeling that the Germans had towards some of its neighbors was understandable,if your country was blamed for starting a war (ww 1) which it didnt,its more complex than that,and then bankrupted by the wall st crash and the French,humiliated by the French and Poles,you would feel a certain justice had been done to see stukas over Warsaw,and panzers in Paris,

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Q: How was the Versailles treaty result of World War 1 lead to World War 2?
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What Peace Treaty eventually lead to World War 2?

Treaty of Versailles

What ended World War 1 and lead to the start of world one two?

the treaty of Versailles

What document did Hitler oppose that eventually lead to World War 2?

The Versailles Treaty

What did the Treaty of Versailles lead to?

The instalation of Hitler and WW2

What was put into the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles was what ended World War I. The document placed all of the blame on Germany, even though Austria-Hungary started the war. The Treaty took most of Germany's army, took a good chunk of Germany's land, and actually triggered a significant economic depression in Germany. The Treaty of Versailles was what ultimately lead to World War II.

What things lead to the Treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles (1919) was the peace treaty which officially ended World War I between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. After six months of negotiations which took place at the Paris Peace Conference, the treaty was signed as a follow-up to the armistice signed in November 1918 in Compi

How did treaty of Versailles lead to world war 1?

WW1 was the cause. The Treaty of Versailles was the peace settlement signed between Germany and the Allies after WW1. The Treaty was a direct cause of WW2 because Germany was dissatisfied with the harsh penalties imposed upon the country by the treaty. The above claim that Versailles 'was a direct cause of WW2' is American college mythology.

How does the end of world war 1 lead to world war 2?

By the Treaty of Versailles being drawn up and forcibly signed by the German delegates. It sucked, to sum it up.

What did the Versailles treaty overlook?

It failed to provide a lasting peace in Europe. Serveral basic flaws in the treaty sowed the seeds of postwar international problems that eventually would lead to the second World War.

What is the tready of versailles?

It was a treaty that the Triple Entente enforced upon Germany to sign after WW1 ended. The treaty stated that:Germany must take full blame for the warGermany must pay all reparationsArmy size is limited to just 10000 men and a few warshipsand they must give up most of their land to the Alliesthe Treaty of Versailles harshness lead to Germany's revenge in WW2

Were defeated countries allowed to attend the big four?

Germany and the other defeated countries were not allowed to attend the big four at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty would be a festering wound that would lead to the next World War.

How did the treaty of versaillies lead to world war 2?

The Treaty of Versailles led to World War II (1939-45) because German leaders and citizens thought the treaty's terms were too harsh. The German government was forced to sign the treaty at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) under threat of more fighting from the Allies.