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Q: How was kiaser Wilhelm involved in the world war1 war?
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Who was the leader of Germany during World War1?

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Who was involved in the world war1?

There are a number of powers who were involved in the World War 1. Russia, Germany and France were the main countries in the war among others.

Did world war1 bring peace between the countries involved?

no, but the American president, Woodrow Wilson, wanted it.

Why did world war1 become global in scope instead of remaining a regional conflict?

alliances and treaties involved nations and colonies all over the world.

How Canada was involved in world war1?

Canada was effectively a British colony during WWI. It was called upon to send soldiers and supplies to fight.

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Which countries had rifles in world war1?

All of them.

How did a dogfight work in world war1?

it can fly

What coutries lost world war1?

All of them

Who won in world war1?

We did! (with all our allies)