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Q: How many years ago were the continents undivided?
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How many years ago were all the continents joined together?

it was about 1 billion years ago.

Pangaea was formed how many years ago?

About 300 million years ago the continents collided to form the 'supercontinent' of Pangea. It was the PALEOZOIC era.

When were the continents separated?

The continents began to separate around 200 million years ago during the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. This process led to the formation of the current continents and their modern configurations.

Which continents moved apart during the time period 100 - 200 million years ago?

Pangea began to drift apart about 200 million years ago. Pangea split into two smaller continents: Gondwana and Laurasia. These continents lasted from about 200 million years ago to 100 million years ago.

How many continents were there 3000 million years ago?

We THINK there was one. However, there were no people around 3000 million years ago, so we can't say for sure.

How many years ago were all continents populated?

The exact timing is uncertain, but scientists believe that all continents were populated by humans around 60,000 years ago. This is based on evidence from archaeological sites and genetic studies.

How many years ago were all the continents joined?

Around 200 million years ago, all the continents were joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea. This event is known as Pangea's formation during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. Over time, Pangaea began to break apart, eventually leading to the continents we see today.

How many years have the people on the 7 continents been there?

There have been many forms of humans on the planet over the last at least 400,000 years. The human race that now lives on the earth (homo sapiens) developed some 200,000 years ago.It took quite a while before they had spread over all the continents on the planet. They started spreading over the continents some 70,000 years ago and they finished spreading to all the continents some 15,000 years ago.

How did Wegener describe the world that existed 200 million years ago?

Wegener described the world from 200 million years ago that the continents and ALL of the continents were all connected together. This place was called Pangea. It took millions of years to pass to get the continents where they are now.

How long ago did the continents break apart?

The continents started breaking apart around 200 million years ago during the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea. This process continued over millions of years, leading to the formation of the continents as we know them today.

Where did theropods live?

Theropod dinosaurs are known from all continents. They first evolved in Pangaea 225 million years ago before the continents broke up, and hence they lived on all continents until their extinction 65.5 million years ago.

When all the continents were one land years ago what was the land called?

The supercontinent when all the continents were connected was called Pangaea. It existed around 300 million years ago and eventually broke apart into the continents we see today.