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Q: How many queens are still living?
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When was Night of the Living Drag Queens created?

Night of the Living Drag Queens was created in 1998.

Which ancient people had the earliest form of federal government?

Romans had a democracy while other countries were still living with kings and queens.

How many people is living in queens ny?

By the last count (in 2008) the population of Queens was two and a quarter million (2,229,379). Source: see the link to the Wikipedia entry below.

Will beauty queens stand out among cadavers when they're dead?

Well, I guess so...? First and foremost, they had their own title. That's why they're called beauty queens. I don't know about the cadavers but I guess they will still stand out among the rest. They are hailed beautiful way back when they're still living the only difference is that they are no longer breathing and a little bit degrading...but I guess they are still prettier than those who are not hailed beautiful those days when they are still living. ^^ Get it? Chibikiwi

Is the hall of science still open in queens?


What time period was it called when there were kings and queens and castles?

There still are kings and queens and probably still castles but I think you're referring to the medieval time.

How many queens were there in ancient times?

there were 24 queens

How many queens are in the world?

Four queens in the world

Did king and queens live in the castle in medieval times?

Kings and Queens did live in castles but not all castles had a king or queen living in them.

Is a princess living this minute?

Sure. A princess is the daughter of a king or queen; since several countries still have kings and queens, it follows that there should be several princes and princesses alive.

How far back did kings an queens still exist?

They still exist in Europe.

How many birds in the world are still living?

about 6,987