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Q: How many nukes are there in the world?
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Related questions

What was the difference between World War 1 nukes and World War 2 nukes?

There were no nukes in WWI.

How many countries have nukes that can travel all across the World?

Only 2 countries have nukes that can travel all across the World. Russia and The United States of America.

Are there any countries have nukes that can travel across the World?

Yes. The United States of America and Russia are the only 2 countries that have nukes that can fly all over the World.

How many nukes does India have?

Not sure

How many nukes do china have?


How many nukes do north Korea have on standby?

north korea has about 10 nukes on stand by and ostriches are cool

How many nukes were tested?

Probably too many.

Was Germany making nukes in World War 2?


Are nukes one of the most powerful weapon in the World?


I will destroy the world but howjkjkjkjkjkkjkjkjkjk?

lol just get nukes boi!!!!

How many nukes does Germany have?

They have no nuclear weapons

How many nukes do you have to get to have the nuke emblem on mw2?

To get the mw2 nuke emblem you have to get 10 nukes OVER 9000 joke, 10