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The Portuguese Empire was one of the most long lived in history. It began in about 1415 and finally totally fell about 1961.

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Q: How long did the portuguese empire last for?
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How long did the Portuguese empire last?

The Portuguese Empire was one of the most long lived in history. It began in about 1415 and finally totally fell about 1961.

A major cause of the decline of the Portuguese empire was?

There were actually 4 reasons. They were: 1) Not enough money 2) Not enough people 3) Lack of Size 4) Conquested by Spain

When was Portuguese Empire created?

Portuguese Empire was created in 1500.

When did Evolution of the Portuguese Empire end?

Evolution of the Portuguese Empire ended in 1999.

What is the Portuguese empire?

A empire that is from Portugal.

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The kind of government that the Portuguese empire had was a democratic one.

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