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he was in the tower of london for three years

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Q: How long did sir Walter Raleigh spend in the Tower of London?
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Why do you think Walter Raleigh was willing to spend so much of his time and money trying to start a colony for England?

Because he thought that England needed to colonize and he had the time and had the chance to make the queen happy

If the government's budget show a deficit that means it will spend?

an equal amount to what it takes in

What European explorer was the first to spend the winter in James Bay?

Henry Hudson

Where did Jane Seymour grow up?

Jane Semour and Henry VIII lived in London, England in the 1500s.Apparently, Jane Seymour was a Lady-in-Waiting to Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second wife, and that's how Henry VIII met her.You can read more, below.

Where did the Kings of Britain live?

Great Britain came into existence when England and Scotland merged in 1707. The official palace at that time was St James Palace in the centre of London. After 1837 the official residence of the monarch became Buckingham Palace as now. Prior to that time the Kings or Queens of England had lived in Whitehall Palace in the centre of London. Prior to c1550 they official residence had been Greenwich Palace on the Thames downriver of London. Prior to c1500 the favoured residence of the English monarchs since c1350 had been Eltham Palace, which stood in a large park south of London. The early monarchs following William the Conqueror were also kings of parts of France and preferred (as I would) to spend most of their time in France. William himself got back to Normandy as soon as he could after his London coronation. But all monarchs have owned several palaces and spent some part of the year in each as well as spending time touring the country (at horse speed) and staying the night (at huge expense to the owner) in various country houses. All of that is of course true, but I believe and have learned that the Kings of Britain, with using a little brain power, must have lived in Buckingham Palace, with all the royal families that have lived, are living there today, and the royal families that will live there later have also stayed and lived there.

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What Queens Elizabeths and Sir Walter Raleigh life in the tower would have been like?

Queen Elizabeth I was not imprisoned in the Tower of London, but her half-sister, Queen Mary I, did spend some time there before becoming queen. Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower multiple times for different reasons, including political intrigues and conspiracies. Life in the Tower would have been relatively comfortable for Queen Elizabeth with better living conditions and amenities compared to other prisoners. Sir Walter Raleigh, on the other hand, would have endured harsher conditions, including confinement and limited freedoms. Both would have had access to personal servants, basic comforts, and visitors.

Why did Elizabeth the first spend nearly 3 months in the Tower of London?

because she was bored

Where was the encyclopedia invented?

Sir Walter Raleigh was arrested by King James the first of England and spend long years in jail. To pass the time he started work on the first encyclopedia.

Why do you think Walter Raleigh was willing to spend so much of his time and money trying to start a colony for England?

Because he thought that England needed to colonize and he had the time and had the chance to make the queen happy

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People in London can spend money on different things so next time be more specific on what your asking

Why did sir Walter want to set up a new colony?

The king of England wanted to establish colonies in the new land. Economic motives were behind the kings desire and willingness to spend money on colonizing.

How do you spend a holiday in Yorkshire London?

Yorkshire is not part of London, it is about 230 miles directly north of London and it is located on the eastern side of Great Britain roughly halfway up the island. You can spend holidays there is either a holiday cottage or a caravan, whereas in London you would spend a holiday in a hotel - unless you already live in London or are visiting a relative there.

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similar: stubborn and driven to their specific goal Different: walter wants to spend the money on himself when beneatha wants to spend it on becoming a doctor to help people

What city is halfway between Jupiter FL and Raleigh NC?

It is 722 miles according to Google Maps and Savannah, Georgia makes an excellent place to take a break or spend the night. It is 321 miles from Savannah to Raleigh.

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London - England UK

Where did Queen Elizabeth II spend most of her life?

she spend 169 years in her house in London I hope that help you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!