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Q: How long did it take for Magellan to circumnavigate the globe?
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How long it take Magellan's crew to circumnavigate the world?

Three years 1519-1522

What route did Ferdinand Magellan's ship take to circumnavigate the glove?

Click on this link: to see the route he took.

What route did Ferdinand Magellan's ships take circumnavigate the globe?

Magellan didn't make it the whole way himself, but his ships sailed down the east coast of South America and through the Strait of Magellan (named after him), through the Pacific, the Marianas and Guam, and on to the Philippines, which is where Magellan died. Elcano, in the only ship that survived the entire voyage, traded in the Spice Islands (Maluku), went through the Indian ocean, came around the cape of Good Hope, and then west and north back to Spain. The ship that tried to go back through the Pacific route was captured and wrecked.

What route did Ferdinand Magellan ships take to circumnavigate to globe?

Magellan didn't make it the whole way himself, but his ships sailed down the east coast of South America and through the Strait of Magellan (named after him), through the Pacific, the Marianas and Guam, and on to the Philippines, which is where Magellan died. Elcano, in the only ship that survived the entire voyage, traded in the Spice Islands (Maluku), went through the Indian ocean, came around the cape of Good Hope, and then west and north back to Spain. The ship that tried to go back through the Pacific route was captured and wrecked.

What route did Magellan's ships take to circumnavigate the globe?

Magellan didn't make it the whole way himself, but his ships sailed down the east coast of South America and through the Strait of Magellan (named after him), through the Pacific, the Marianas and Guam, and on to the Philippines, which is where Magellan died. Elcano, in the only ship that survived the entire voyage, traded in the Spice Islands (Maluku), went through the Indian ocean, came around the cape of Good Hope, and then west and north back to Spain. The ship that tried to go back through the Pacific route was captured and wrecked.

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How long did it take magellans crew to circumnavigate the world?

Three years 1519-1522

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What route did Ferdinand ships take to circumnavigate the globe?

Magellan didn't make it the whole way himself, but his ships sailed down the east coast of South America and through the Strait of Magellan (named after him), through the Pacific, the Marianas and Guam, and on to the Philippines, which is where Magellan died. Elcano, in the only ship that survived the entire voyage, traded in the Spice Islands (Maluku), went through the Indian ocean, came around the cape of Good Hope, and then west and north back to Spain. The ship that tried to go back through the Pacific route was captured and wrecked.

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