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Most importantly, the Fourteen points nowhere mention the obligation of the Germans to pay war damages. In 1919 it turned out to be the first point brought forward by the French and British, to the tune of initially 230 billion Goldmarks (equal to US$ 57.5 billion, in today's dollars around one trillion US$). Although in the end this amount had to be substantially reduced - Germany's economy was virtually bankrupt at te time - reparation payments crippled Germany's economy for almost two decades and according to many, the badwill created by this was a major factor in the restart of the war, now known as WW 2.

Other major points were the fact that large German territories (with an overwhelmingly German population) were given away by the Allies to newly created countries such as Poland and Czechoslovakia where the fourteen points only mentioned areas with a non-German population. And the fourteen points had stipulated that Russia should be left alone to work out a form of government of its own choosing. Instead, the Allies provided active military support to the anti-Communist forces. Finally, the "impartial" judgement of any colonial claims stipulated in the Fourteen Points boiled down to Germany simply having all its colonies taken away by the Allies.

The League of Nations promised by the Fourteen points didmaterialize, but US Congess in the end voted that the US itself would not join it.

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Q: How is the peace agreement made during the Paris peace conference different from Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points?
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What was president wilsons response to the sinking of the british passenger ship lusitania?

President Wilsons response to the sinking of the British passenger ship Lusitania was to send diplomatic protests

What caused World War I and what were the final results of the war?

There were a number of reasons why World War I broke out in 1914.What caused the war?There was a lot of tension between countries in years leading up to 1914. Germany resented that they had few colonies whilst Britain, France and Italy had many. There were arms races. Germany tried to over take Britains Navy and the French Army. Britain started to distrust Germany as they saw them as a threat to her Empire. Germany was very aggresive and wished to dominate Europe. Germany was a powerful, wealthy industrial country, the French resented this, and they still wanted revenge over the Franco-Prussian war which Germany won and as a result took Alsace-Lorraine which originally belonged to France. The French wanted this territory back. The french also built forts to protect themselves against any German attack. This showed distrust between the two Nations. Soon countries of Europe joined rival groups. This system of alliances meant that there were serious disputes. These later became the triple Alliance (Germany, Austria Hungary and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia).On June 28th 1914 the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assinated in Bosnia. The austrains blamed Serbia for the killing, claiming the serbians trained the bosnian assassin. However Austria and Serbia already had tensions as they both wanted to control Bosnia. Austria then declared war on Serbia. Belgrade in Serbia was then ruthlessly shelled. The Russian army then got ready to help out Serbia against the Austrians. Germany, who were friendly with the Austrains ordered russia to hold back from helping Serbia. Russia did not, and so Germany declared war on Russia, Germany then also began to move its army towards France and Neutral Belgium. The French army then also got ready to fight against any attack from the Germans which was feared by the French would occur. Germany then declared war on France. They start to invade France through Netural Belgium as part as the German Schlieffen Plan to avoid fighting a war on two fronts (France in the West, Russia in the East). Britain already had a treaty with Belgium which stated Britain would protect belgium against any invasion. Britain ordered Germany to retreat from Belgium. Germany did not, as they did not believe Britain would declare war over a treaty which was signed so long ago in 1839. However Britain did declare war on Germany. Then, Austria declared war on Russia.What were the results of the war?Germany surrendered and signed the Treaty of Versailles. They hoped that this treaty would be based around the American President Wilsons 14 points which Germany had previously rejected. However now Germany was desperate. There was no way they could win as the USA had joined the Triple Entente in 1917. Unfortunatley Britain and France refused to base the treaty around these points. They argued that the Germans had rejected them in the first place. Also, The French prime minister wanted to punish Germany harshly. His veiw was that if he did this, and crippled Germany, Germany would not have the power and industrial strengh to start another war. However president Wilson feared that The french PMs harsh attitude towards Germany would only cause Germany to want revenge later. Britain was in between these two attitudes. They did not want to punish Germany too harshly, but they did not want them to get away with what they had done. The French PM argued that the war was on their land. It had been destroyed and they had suffered more then Britain and the USA. In the end, The treaty turned out rather harsh. The Germans resented it. However many of the French believed it was not harsh enough, and the French PM, Clemenceau, was voted out in the next French general election.Germany lost 10% of its land. 16% of its coalfields and close to half of its iron and steel industry. Germany lost ALL of its overseas colonies, and 12.5% of its population. It's army was then reduced to only 100,000 men and conscription was banned. It was not allowed and airforce, and only a small navy with only 6 battleships. This army and navy was really small for a country of Germanys size. They could not defend themselves. The treaty really dented German pride. Although Germany complained about the treaty they were not answered. The French and British argued that Germany had treated Russia extremely unfairly in the treaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 when the Russians surrendered to them. Britain and France also argued that Germanys economic problems were not all the fault of the treaty of Versailles. The Germans were so confident they were going to win the war that they planned to pay off war debts by using the reperations they were going to make Britain and France Pay. and so, the Germans had not increased taxing during the war like Britain and France. Germans really resented the war guilt as they did not believe they had started the war. They thought the war guilt should at least be shared. However they had no choice but to sign the Treaty of Versailles. If they did not then Britain, France and the USA would continue to fight. This meant the British could continue the blockade, and so Germans would futher starve. Including the soldiers.Also, as a result of the war, The League of Nations was set up. It was supposed to be like an international police force, which would attempt desperatly to stop another war. Its aims were to get nations to disarm. To discourage aggresion. to help nations to co-operate with one another and to improve living and working conditions. However Germany was not allowed to join the league, and it was seen as more of a 'winners club' for those who had won the war. Britain and France were leading figures. The main thing that really damaged this league was that the USA never joined. This was because many Americans did not like the treaty of Versailles as they believed it to be too harsh. Also, Americans thought it would involve sending their troops to sort out europes problems. They also didn't join because some Americans were anti-British or anti-French. Also, Americans worried that the league would cost them alot economically.I hope this has helped. It's quite a bit but i wasn't sure how much detail you wanted. I tried to simplify alot, you should be able to pick out key points. Apologies for any spelling mistakes or bad punctuation.

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