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Eastern European countries under former Soviet occupation have been making progress in their economies by joining the European Union (EU). In addition to the economic benefits of joining the EU, these countries have gained democratic values in doing so thus moving on from the Soviet occupation that brought communism in these countries.

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Q: How has Eastern Europe changed since World War Two?
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How has the world changed since 911?

thERE ARE AlOt Of pROtECtiON iN thE USA SiNCE hAt dAy.

How has the world changed after World War II?

Now, men and women get equal pay for the same jobs. Since World War II, the world is now a little bit fairer :)

How many Russians live in England?

According to this article, there are approximately 400,000 Russians living in the UK as of 2007. This figure is likely to have changed upwards since Russia has suffered due to the economic crisis leading to increased economic migration.

How did European history affect world history?

Well as you know Europe was a very wealthy , powerful continent at the time and it still is .and most of the wars affected all of Europe and all of thee states since most of europe such(as the French ) were our allies in war and we there's. Hope that helped you out a bit :)

Have the names of countries changed since World War 1?

YES!!! Taking Russia/USSR/Russia The Russian revolution occurred during the World War (I) . When the Tsar (Russian Emperor) was disposed, by the Bolsheviks. The name of the country was changed to 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. (USSR). It remained with this name until 1990 (Mikhael Gorbachev) when it 'reverted' to Russia. Another country with a change of name(s) is the Republic of Ireland. It gained its independence of the UK in 1922 , when it was named 'Irish Free State'. in 1941 it was changed to 'Eire', and again in about 1960, 'to 'Republic of Ireland'.

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The closest to a monarchy from eastern Europe is Liechenstein. It is on the border of eastern and western Europe. Prince Alois has been ruler of the country since 1989.

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Yes, since Eastern Europe does not border the Atlantic.

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How has European history changed since 1950?

The most outstanding change in European history since 1950 was the end of Soviet dominance in Eastern Europe. By 1999 most of Europe can be said to be free in terms of their citizens' ability to chose their own types of government.

How has the economic structure of Europe changed since the industrial revolution?

it changed by the land.

Religion and Identity in Central and Eastern Europe vs Western Europe vs world?

Eastern Europe was traditionally where most Orthodox Christians were. Central Europe was more traditionally Catholic, while Western Europe was a mixture of Catholicism and Protestantism. Since World War II, Europe has become much less religious. The world? The main religions seem to be Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Industrialized nations are getting more secular, Islam is increasing.

Why did Eastern Europeans immigrate to Britain?

Eastern Europe has truly been in chaos since the fall of communism. Since the fall of communism, the population of Eastern Europe has been declining due to mass emigration. Most Eastern Europeans have been migrating to Western Europe or the United States, or to highly developed countries to have a better lifestyle. Great Britain is one of the most developed countries in the world and is a hotspot for immigrants.

Has the European flag ever changed?

A flag for Europe has only existed since 1955 and it has not changed in that time.

What has been the dominant characteristics of eastern Europe since ww2?

Before 1991, Eastern Europe was under Soviet influence. After that time, there has been a slow recovery to Westernized influences.

Was western Europe influ enced by communism?

No, Eastern Europe was influenced by communism. Western Europe has always been democratic since the spread of Modern Democracy.

Is Russia considered Northern Europe?

Russia is more associated with Eastern Europe than it is with Northern Europe, but this is simply because Europe is more commonly split into just west and east. If you were to split Europe into just north and south, Russia would be considered Northern Europe.

What is one industry that has grown in eastern Europe's region since the fall of the soviet union?
