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the first truly globle war with mass civilan deaths..

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Q: How did world war 1 affect people's lives?
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How does war affect peoples lives?

it totally does dude

Why did World War 2 change peoples lives?

the world war 2 kill many male...resulting in not able to reproduce and have fun

What did mother maria do to help in the World War 2?

she saved peoples lives by convinving them not to commit suicide.

How did clothes save lives in World War 2?

It saved peoples lives because it was fireproof.It also helped people by allowing people to move quickly.

What were three ways that the war affected peoples day-to-day lives?

Rationing, propaganda and total war

What effect did the war have on womens lives?

World War 1 had a major affect on women's lives. Not only did they have to run the household while their husband was away, but many had to take an outside job for the first time.

How did Okinawa affect World War 2?

It certainly convinced US war planners that any attack on mainland Japan would be costly in terms of American lives.

What was the aftermath in World War 1?

hey peoples

Who did war dance?

Tribal peoples from around the world have "war dance" rituals.

How did World War 1 change the world?

it changed peoples opinions on how the next war would turn out to be

How did world war affect World War 2?


What does war do to your world?

War affects your country and makes people die and ruins like the whole place where you live in and makes it a trash can it effects most peoples lives they loss there love ones and much much more!!