i am wondering who is asking.They used a trade route called the underground railroad.They snuck them through that and once they pased the border they were free and were considered americans.
what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.
Europe got slaves from Africa by the triangular trade. Europe traded with Africa, Europe gave Africa guns, rum, gunpowder, and tools. Africa traded back with slaves
Most slaves are from West Africa.
The slaves weren't transported from BRITAN! They were transported from AFRICA to AMERICA!
the people were shipped on boats to Africa to take the Africans and turn them into slaves
australia- gold africa-slaves america-slaves
4 months
Slaves from Africa.
what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.
Europe got slaves from Africa by the triangular trade. Europe traded with Africa, Europe gave Africa guns, rum, gunpowder, and tools. Africa traded back with slaves
West Africa
Ships would take rum to Africa and trade for slaves; take the slaves to the West Indies and trade them for molasses; and take the molasses to a distillery and have it processed into rum. The word is "triangular."
Liberia was an experiment about restoring slaves to Africa.
How indian slaves were brought to South africa?
It started by picking up slaves in Africa to take to the West Indies