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The British set up a private company, the Hudson Bay Company whose business model had them set up trading forts along the coast to which trappers, mainly Aboriginals, would bring furs to for trading. The advantage to the Aborginals was the ability to live as they choose inland, for Hudson Bay Company it limited their expense and risk of traveling inland.

The European French found themselves kicked out of what is today Canada in the mid 1700's the result of losing wars to the English. Some remained and became French Canadians. They traded inland bypassing the HBC monoply and trading directly with whoever they found willing to trade. Inland trading forced HBC to change their plans and move ever further inland.

Eventually a company was set up out of Montreal to compete directly with the HBC. The Northwest Company was bought out by, or merged with the HBC in 1821 and they became one company.

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French- To sail to china

British- To Be the china people

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Q: How did the french and british approach the fur trade differently?
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