The Cuban peso is the national currency of Cuba.
North Africa is a geographical region and not a single country, there is no single currency
The Southerners called them Carpetbaggers, because they usually carried Gladstone bags made with carpet material.
salt was used for money
The Pound - UK The Euro - The European Union The Rand - South Africa The Yen - Japan The Ringgit - Malaysia The Krone - Denmark
Malinda Money's birth name is Malinda Ann Money.
Zoot Money's birth name is George Bruno Money.
The name of Laos money is called 'KIP'
No money name money
The name of the money is won the north Korea money(monetary unit)
The name of Korean currency (money) is Won.
In Nepal, their name for currency is the rupee, which they use for money.
Fiji money
Somali shilling in the name on the currency in Somalia
Money Bags's birth name is Eric Smith.
Eddie money's real name is............. Edward mahoney
Owen Money's birth name is Lynn Mittell.