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they both made stronger armies

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Q: How did Hideki Tojo and Adolf Hitler similar in the years before world war 2?
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How were Hideki Tojo and Adolf Hitler similar in the years before World War?

They both strengthened their country's militaries.

Who were the four dictators of World War 2?

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin and Hideki Tojo

How were Adolf Hitler's tactics similar to those of Hitler's?

clarity please.

What were some of Adolf Hitler's jobs in retirement?

Adolf Hitler was assassinated before he had a chance to retire.

How were Tojo and Adolf Hitler similar in the years before World War 2?

They both strengthened their country's militaries.

Who were all the dictators?

The dictator of Nazi Germany was Adolf Hitler. The dicatator of Italy was Benito Mussolini, and the "dictator" of Japan was Hideki Tojo.

What is Hitlers middle name?

Adolf Hitler's father, Alois, had the last name Schicklgruber originally, but he changed his last name to Hitler thirteen years before Adolf was born, therefore Adolf's real last name is Hitler.

What were the 3 members of the axis powers during workd war II?

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Hideki Tojo.

What name did Hitler adopt?

Adolf Hitler's father was originally named Alois Schiklgruber, but he adopted the name of Hitler before Adolf was born.

How were Hideki Tojo and Adolf Hitler similar in the years before world war ii?

They both strengthened their country's militaries.

Did Adolf Hitler take Manchuria?

This question confuses Hitler, who was Chancellor of Germany, with Hideki Tojo, Premier of Japan, who launched the invasion of Manchuria in 1931 as part of the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Is adolf Hitler bad in world war 2?

Yes, Adolf Hitler was bad (evil) before & during the war.