Algeria gained its independence by fighting the colonial power, France, in an extremely bitter war fought in two stages between 1954 and 1962. In 1962 just over a million French settlers fled (or were expelled) and many Algerians who had worked with the French were tortured and/or lynched ... There's an excellent film (in the style of a documentary) on the later phases of the war. It is known by the titles Bataille d'Alger and Battaglia di Algeri or in English: Battle of Algiers). (For political reasons was filmed in Algeria and Italy. The film was immediately banned in France). The war was singularly vicious and led to the collapse of the Fourth Republic in France; it also brought Charles de Gaulle back to power. Originally, it was assumed that he would keep Algeria for France. In 1961, when he announced plans for Algerian independence, there was an attempt by some units of French Army to march on Paris and remove him! The whole saga has left scars in France.
In Algeria, France had a combination of a fully-entrenched colonial infrastructure, virtual control of the economy, and a determination by Algerian-born Frenchmen not to yield to majority rule.
Algeria had been a French possession for 125 years at the end of World War II, when the move to decolonialize Africa was in process. France had seized parts of the country in 1830, made it a military territory in 1834, and by 1848 declared that it was legally part of France (the resident native majority did not have any say in this). Many thousands of native French people relocated there, and expropriated much of the best agricultural land. A large French population was born there, their families counting as many as 8 generations in Algeria. They were known as pieds-noirs(black feet). Additionally, a French-speaking, French-educated upper class made up a large number of the native-born officials and industrialists. French companies and subsidiaries made up the greater part of the Algerian economy.
Except during the two World Wars, it was being governed much like the other departments in France, but only a small part of its population enjoyed the fruits of its economy. Indigenous Muslims were subject to both French and Muslim laws, and were effectively second-class citizens. Although nominally French citizens, they were not fully represented.
Although there had been small uprisings in 1926, and in the 1930's, it was not until after World War II that popular support for the independence movement reached a peak. Muslim-based revolutionaries of the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) became active in 1954, combining guerrilla tactics and violence against Algerian loyalists. Algerians who fought alongside the French were known as Harkis, and when the war ended in 1962, many had to abandon their native country and relocate to France.
When the Islamic Republic of Mauritania proclaimed independence with Moktar Ould Daddah as president.
Sudan, Morocco and Tunisia
Gain independence for Cuba.
to gain independence
Belize gain its independence on September 21'st, 1981...
Uganda gained their independence from Britain in 1962.
Before its independence, Morocco had been a French protectorate since 1912 and before that, an independent Sultanate. Morocco had known an active independence movement since 1943 through the Istiqlal Party. France tried to suppress the movement by exiling the Sultan, Mohammed V in 1953, but after extended riots was forced to reinstall him in 1955. Negotiations for independence started and one year later Morocco regained its independence.
Morocco wanted to gain power over Western Sahara.
Morocco 1796
Venezuela gain Independence in the 1830
The capital of Morocco is Rabbat, while its currency is Moroccan dirham. Morocco gained independence from France in 1956.
Morocco became an absolute monarchy at the time of independence in 1956. In 1962, it became a constitutional monarchy.
They were upset that they did not gain independence
The government of Morocco is a constitutional monarchy. This means that they have a King who appoints a Prime Minister to oversee a system of multiple political parties.It has a two chamber parliament and a constitution that sets forth the duties and powers of each. The Constitution of Morocco grants the King extensive powers.
1893 it gain independence
All of Morocco.