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no one really knows the answer to that.

Some people think so, some people think otherwise.

It's really your descision.

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Q: Did world war 2 make the world a better place?
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Is the world a better place than when it was world war 2?

of course

How did Cleopatra make world a better place?

She didn't make the world a better place, in fact sh added to its turmoil by her greed and her meddling in her neighbors' business. She caused a costly war between the Nabatean Arabs and Herod and, though her manipulation of Antony, had eyes on the kingdoms to the east of Egypt and some say even Rome itself.

Did the world better a better place after world war 1?

doubt it there was ww2 and the Iraq war and millions of africans are killed not 2 mention drugs so no i think not but don't worry itll happen eventually i hope

What years did world war take place?

Well firstly two World Wars have taken place so far, World War I and World War II. World War I was from 1914 through to 1919. World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945.

How did Tecumseh help make the world a better place today?

Tecumseh fought in the war of 1812. That's how he made the world a better place for us to live in today. Tecumseh was a native american. He gave up his everything for us. During the war Tecumseh's death had occured. Tecumseh fought for Canada and today Canada is a free country where no one needs to worry that their child might get shot in the war, or that their family can die anytime because of the war. The war of 1812 has made a big difference in our life today. Though Tecumseh had fought in that war so there is some credit to him also because he fought until the end of the war but unfortunatley at the end he died :(

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Winston Churchill helped make the world a better place because he helped to give us freedom and he helped us win the second world war.

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he fought in the mexican war and ended slavery there also.

Is the world a better place than when it was world war 2?

of course

What would happen if there is no war?

the world would be a better place

Was the world a better place after world war one?

World leaders assumed that the world was a better, safer place following World War I. The peace that had been so extremely hard won only lasted around 20 years.

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he tried to lead the war and make America better

What would have happened if the Germans won the war?

the world would be a better place

What did the soldiers do in World War I?

i know they fought and used bombs etc but what was they routine what did they atually do? The same that soldiers do in any war, keep alive and try to make our world a better we could be here now

Why is Germany a better place after World War 2?

Because the world finally realized what people can do to each other and now that they don't dictator over their heads they can make their own desicions.

How did Cleopatra make world a better place?

She didn't make the world a better place, in fact sh added to its turmoil by her greed and her meddling in her neighbors' business. She caused a costly war between the Nabatean Arabs and Herod and, though her manipulation of Antony, had eyes on the kingdoms to the east of Egypt and some say even Rome itself.

Did the world better a better place after world war 1?

doubt it there was ww2 and the Iraq war and millions of africans are killed not 2 mention drugs so no i think not but don't worry itll happen eventually i hope

What did the marine corps gain from World War 2 to make it better?

Combat experience