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Yes: Both are the product of what had gone before in many ways. Both are essentially European & involve France & Germany. Britain & the British Empire & the USA & Russia are Allies. In both instances there is conflict on the High seas & in Africa & Asia & elsewhere, in WW2 there is also a major conflict with Japan in the Pacific. WW2 is, by & large, a product of WW1. WW1 is in some way concerned with both the Franco/Prussian war of 1870/71 & the Napoleonic wars. But it is a complicated process.....

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Q: Can you tell reasons behind World War 1 and World War 2?
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What was the reasons behind the war?

There has been a lot of wars bro, and a lot of different reasons behind every one of them, reasons likereligious differences, disputes over land, generally just different opinions between groups of people.

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They didn't? You're thinking of World War II.

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1. World War I and the treaty of Versailles 2. Adolph Hitler

What was the reasons the World War I came about after World War 2?

Well, it didnt :3 He or She is right ^^^^^^ World war 2 came after world war 1 not before. Hope this helps T.M.M :-)

What were the issues that divided the country after the war with Mexico?

Slavery and manifest destiny, which were the real reasons behind such conflict.