

Best Answer

the snow cones where invented to help you stay cool on a hot day and still enjoy the Delicious taste while cooling off

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Q: Why was snow cones invented?
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Are snow cones alive?


Why do snow cones melt?

Snow cones melt because it is ice if ice is left outside of the freezer to long then it will get hot

If you sold 30.000 snow cones and loss 25 percent what will be the amount?

if i sold 30,000 snow cones and loss 25 % what will be the amount

Is snow a mixture?

no snow is not a mixture. You can not mix snow with anything and get something with it, except snow cones but that's with ice.

Do people eat snow cones in Alaska?


What are retail prices for snow cones?

It is $3.50 cents.

How many snow cones can you get out of mount Everest?

Impossible to say!

What are the release dates for Four Weddings - 2009 I ---And Snow Cones 4-7?

Four Weddings - 2009 I ---And Snow Cones 4-7 was released on: USA: 2 August 2012

Where was the snow cone invented?

The Romans in 27 B.C. to A.D. 395. the Romans would go to the higher mountains and haul down snow and then would add different syrups and then in 1920 Samuel Bert from Dallas TX, at a state fair invented the first sno cone machine after Samuel died Ernest Hansen carried on and tried to make one better with better consistincy

Any facts about snow cone making?

there are no interesting facts about snow cones. bet you didnt know that

What did the Charles e menches invent?

Ice cream cones HE INVENTED ice cream cones how you ask.

Where can you buy pre-made snow cones?

99 cents store