Yes. Hungary has the same four seasons as other temperate countries.
A large part of Africa is in the northern hemisphere, so it has the same seasons as the other parts of the northern hemisphere. For some of the other parts, the seasons are in the reverse to those in the northern hemisphere. As the equator goes through Africa, for much of Africa there is little difference between the seasons.
because weather is the same in every country.... it just happens at different times of the year
There are four seasons in the country of Japan. These four seasons include summer, fall, winter, and spring just like other countries.
The Philippines and other tropical countries near the equator experiences only two seasons - wet and dry. Countries located far above or far below the equator, such as the United States and England, experience four seasons.
Countries that are closer to the equator experience less variety in their seasons. Singapore is in that region. Countries that are further from the equator experience the four seasons. It is all down to the way the Earth tilts. It has more affect on countries that are further from the equator in terms of the weather extremes that are experienced.
Countries with four seasons are ka temperate countries, because of their location in the temperate zone.
tropical countries only have 2 seasons: the wet and the dry season...
Turkey has the same seasons as any other Northern Hemisphere country and the exact opposite seasons of the Southern Hemisphere countries.
I live in Arizona, and we have all four seasons. However, the changes are more subtle than in other places where you have larger changes in the weather. So, the answer is less about the country than where it is located and the geography involved.
No, not all countries have autumn. Autumn is a seasonal change that occurs in regions with temperate climates characterized by a significant change in temperature and the shedding of leaves from trees. Countries near the equator typically do not experience distinct autumn seasons.