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ice is a bad conductor of heat. Any heat generated from inside the igloo, usually from body heat or a small fire, stays inside.

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Q: Why inside temperature of igloos is high as compare to the outside temperature?
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Why the inside temperature of igloos is high as compared to outside temperature?

The inside temperature of igloos is higher than the outside temperature because the blocks of ice help to trap the occupant's body heat inside, preventing it from escaping. The design of the igloo also helps to minimize heat loss and maximize warmth. Additionally, the compact size creates a smaller space to heat, making it easier to maintain a higher temperature compared to the colder surroundings.

Eskimos choose to live in igloos which is made up of ice even the ice is coldexplain why?

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Native Americans, such as the Inuit people, built igloos by cutting blocks of packed snow and stacking them in a spiral or dome shape. The snow blocks were then smoothed and compacted from both the inside and outside to create a sturdy structure. Igloos were mainly used as temporary winter shelters for hunting trips or when traveling.

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