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It could be that your water inlet valve is weeping. This means that a very small amount of water is passing through the valve constantly. Your inlet valve is a triple valve that supplies water to the ice maker and the water in the door, one to filter. The triple valve has three solenoids and three separate diaphragms and flow washers. If one side fails you must change the entire valve. (valve located on back side of unit where water supply connects)

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Q: Why does sub zero water supply to ice maker freeze up?
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Will water freeze below zero degrees Celsius?

Yes, water will freeze below zero degrees Celsius. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius, but it can freeze at lower temperatures if the conditions are right.

What degree does it take to freeze water?

At Zero degrees centigrade for pure water.

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Zero, under standard conditions.

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Zero. Water would freeze.

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Water will not freeze at temperatures above 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit).

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you need anti freeze. this also stops the water from boiling over (will not allow water to turn to steam when heated or freeze in sub zero temperatures).

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Zero degrees Centigrade. 0 c or 32 f

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No, not all substances freeze into solids at zero degrees Celsius. The freezing point of a substance depends on its chemical composition and molecular structure. Different substances freeze at different temperatures.

Does water always freeze at 0 Celsius?

Pure water at stp will freeze at zero degrees Celsius. However, it is possible to change this by altering the pressure of the water. Decreasing the pressure will raise the freezing point slightly.

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neither it will stay the same

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28 degrees above zero (Fahrenheit) for more than 4 hours will freeze your pipes, so insulate, insulate, insulate.

What temperature of Celsius does water freeze?

It is APPROXIMATELY zero degrees; that's how the scale was originally defined. The exact freezing temperature depends on pressure, impurities in the water, and even on the exact mix of isotopes.