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because they could get very sick when trying to travel on foot and cold are freezing there face which could and will Cause frost bite i hope i helped a little thank you for reading this bye

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Q: Why do you think Lewis and clark stopped to camp for the winter what would it be dangerous about traveling during the winter?
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Why is winter a dangerous season?

Winter is the most dangerous season.

What does migration really mean?

Migration - animals traveling to avoid bad weather, to find food, or to reproduce during the winter.

Do tourist enjoy the winter season?

In my opinion, it's quite a good idea to travel during winter, because you can get access to nature in a different way. In winter, traveling is not only good for your health, but also for your mind.

Wear winter coat on an airplane or pack it?

You should wear a sweater or sweatshirt when traveling on an airplane, due to the fact that most airplanes are a little chilly. If you are traveling to a location where it is indeed the winter, pack your winter coat in your carry-on luggage. If you are traveling to a location where it is not winter, leave your winter coat at home.

How much do Puerto Rico vacation packages cost?

Good Puerto Rico vacations packages are in the winter time, not during winter break. This is when the least tourists are traveling so prices are low.

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Yes. The merced river has powerful rapids in some places, and gets very cold during the winter.

Is Mongolia cold?

Are you traveling there? If you are i will tell you it is extremly cold during the winter. (which is now) It can get around negative 40 degrees. This is in the city. But in the countryside it is like a winter wonderland and if you don't wear a hat your ears would freeze from the top.

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German troops were totaly destroyed by the Russians at Stalingrad which eventually caused Germanys fall.

What is a sentence using the word hibernation?

In the winter bears go through hibernation. The bear was hungry and ill-tempered after it's long hibernation.

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Is winter a good time to travel to Florida?

Winter can be a great time to travel to Florida. Some retreats and locations can be jam packed in the summer months. Traveling in winter, can get you into locations you may not be able to during the balmy summer time. There way be deals to be had also as tourists choose alternate locations and visit family in the winter months.

Where is the earth when it is traveling the fastest?

In the winter It's when the earth is closest to the sun.