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According to Wikipedia: Some racers in the high speed skiing disciplines (Giant Slalom, Super Giant Slalom, downhill, speed skiing) use curved poles that are bent to shape around their bodies while they are in a tuck position, in order to minimize air drag.

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14y ago

They are flat and wide otherwise you could sink in the snow if it was tiny and its flat so u can maximize preasure on snow so u can stay on snow. Everytime you jump or everytime your ski looses attraction with snow you loose speed. Loose time.

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13y ago

Because that's the way they need to be to work

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14y ago

Because (at least hopefully), when ski jumping you will never and up skiing backwards.

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Q: Why are skis flat at the bottom with a sharp edge in the front?
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flat sharp front tooth:one of the flat sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth, used for cutting and tearing foodhope i helped!

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There are three enharmonic scales at the bottom of the circle of fifths, those are D-flat, G-flat and C-flat majors for the flats and B, F-sharp and C-sharp majors for the sharps. The relative minors for these scales are B-flat, E-flat and A-flat minors for the flats and G-sharp, D-sharp and A-sharp minors for the sharps.

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To whet means to rub on the surface of a flat stone to create a sharp edge

Where can a sharp or flat be found if it is applied directly to a note?

Hi, If a sharp or flat is applied directly to a note, it will be placed in front of the particular note. Hope that helps!

Which animals have broad and sharp teeth in the front and broad flat teeth inside?

Animals that have broad and sharp teeth in the front, followed by broad flat teeth inside are likely herbivores. Some examples of such animals include cows, horses, and elephants. The sharp front teeth help to cut and tear vegetation, while the flat back teeth are used for grinding and chewing food.

Does the sharp go in front of the note or after?

If the note is on the bar, the sharp (or flat, or natural) goes before the note. If you are just writing the note out, the sharp goes after the note.

Can any note in an octave have an enharmonic - such as G-sharp and A-flat B and C-flat and A and B-double-flat etc?

I am guessing so... I've seen something like a key signature having a B-flat, and somewhere in the piece there is a flat in front of a B, so it would be a B-double-flat. If double flats are allowed,then it would be C,B-sharp;C-sharp,D-flat;D, E-double-flat; D-sharp, E-flat; E, F-flat;F,G-double-flat;F-sharp,G-flat;G,A-double-flat;G-sharp,A-flat;A,B-double-flat;and B,C-double-flat.

What are the pitch names of the black keys?

C sharp/D flat, D sharp/E flat, F sharp/G flat, G sharp/A flat, A sharp/B flat

What are the different notes?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

What are the different musical?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

Is there a h note?

No. There are a (plus a flat and a sharp), b (plus b flat and b sharp), c (flat and sharp), d (flat and sharp), e (flat and sharp), f (flat and sharp), and g (flat and sharp). That makes a, b, c, d, e, f, g Plus the flat and sharp for each, making 21 notes of the scale.