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Considering that polar bears include many aquatic animals much bigger than an emperor penguin it's safe to say that a polar bear would enjoy a quick snack of an emperor penguin if they ever met and the bear was at all hungry. Even a baby polar bear would be more than a match for even the biggest living penguin.

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7y ago

Considering that polar bears include many aquatic animals much bigger than an emperor penguin it's safe to say that a polar bear would enjoy a quick snack of an emperor penguin if they ever met and the bear was at all hungry. Even a baby polar bear would be more than a match for even the biggest living penguin. Even the largest known penguin from prehistoric times was only a couple of meters in size. Adult male polar bears are 2.4 to 3 meters in size - and they have teeth and claws on all 4 feet; penguins are hardly equipped to do any damage to a polar bear...

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Q: Who would win in a fight a polar bear or an emperer penguin?
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