

Which mountain has snow year round?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Lots of mountains have snow all the year round.

The mountain just has to be high enough that the average temperature is below 0°C most of the year, and the few days in summer which are above 0°C are not enough to melt all the snow which fell during the long winter.

Examples are the Himalayes, the Andes, the Alps etc.

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I believe that Mt. Kilamajaro is in Africa somewhere, and given its height, being a mountain, it probably has snow all year round. Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, Africa, is Africa's highest mountain. Although it very close to the equator it is high enough that the temperature on the summit remains below freezing all year round. On top there is snow and small but permanent glacier of ice. Yep you can find it on Mount Kilimanjaro which is 19340 feet.

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