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There is no official beginning or end to tornado season anywhere, but for Illinois it can generally said to end in mid June. Tornadoes do occur outside of the normal season, just less frequently. One of the most notable examples came on August 28, 1990 when an F5 tornado hit Plainfield, a suburb of Chicago, killing 29 people.

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Q: When is tornado season over in Illinois?
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When is tornado season in illinois?

There is no official beginning or end to tornado season anywhere, but for Illinois it can generally said to end in mid June. Tornadoes do occur outside of the normal season, just less frequently. One of the most notable examples came on August 28, 1990 when an F5 tornado hit Plainfield, a suburb of Chicago, killing 29 people.

Does Illinois have a lot of tornadoes?

Yes, Illinois does experience tornadoes. On average, the state sees around 54 tornadoes per year. The peak tornado season in Illinois is typically from April to June.

When is tornado season over in Wichita Kansas?

There is no official boundary, but generally speaking it should be over by late June. However, even if it is not tornado season, there can still be tornadoes.

Is tornado season over?

There is no official beginning or end to tornado season, but it is generally considered to end in June. However, tornadoes are not limited to tornado season, it's just a time of higher tornado activity. Strong tornadoes can and have happened at all times of the year.

How many people died from a tornado in Illinois in 2011?

There were no tornado-related deaths in Illinois in 2011.

Has Illinois ever had a tornado?

Yes, tornadoes are fairly common in Illinois. In fact, Illinois was worst hit by the Tri-State tornado of 1925, the deadliest tornado in U.S. history.

How many people die a year from tornadoes in Illinois?

The mean number of tornado fatalities per year (over the past 30 years) in Illinois is between 2 and 3. However, death tolls vary significantly from year to year. Some year in Illinois see no tornado fatalities, while in 1990 a single tornado in Illinois killed 29 people.

What was the longest tornado in Illinois?

The longest-tracked tornado in Illinois actually had such a long track that it could not be contained withing Illinois. The Tri-State tornado holds the record with a 219-mile-long damage path across portions of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. This tornado killed at least 695 people, most of them in Illinois, making it the deadliest tornado in U.S. history.

Does Springfield Illinois get hurricanes or tornadoes?

Springfield, Illinois does get tornadoes as Illinois is in a tornado-prone region. Springfield cannot get hurricanes, nor can anywhere in Illinois, as hurricanes cannot maintain their strength over land.

What was the rating of the 2013 Washington Illinois tornado?

The 2013 Washington, Illinois tornado was rated as a high-end EF4.

Is Illinois the most eastern state in tornado alley?

No, Illinois is not the most eastern state in Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley typically includes states like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, where tornado activity is most prevalent. Illinois is located on the eastern edge of Tornado Alley but is not considered one of the core states in the region.

Could there be a tornado in Illinois?

Yes, tornadoes can occur in Illinois. Illinois experiences an average of 54 tornadoes per year, making it one of the states with a higher tornado risk in the United States. Tornadoes can happen in any state given the right weather conditions.