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valley glaciers

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Q: What type of glaciers can create cirques on the side of mountains?
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What type of glacier can create cirques on the side of mountain?

valley glaciers

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What is a glacier horn?

A glacier horn is a sharp, pyramid-shaped mountain peak formed by the erosion of multiple glaciers converging on a central point. It is often characterized by its steep, jagged slopes and can be found in mountainous regions with significant glacial activity. The Matterhorn in the Alps is a famous example of a glacier horn.

What are bowl-shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion on the side of a mountain?

Cirques are bowl-shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion on the side of a mountain. They are formed by the scouring action of a glacier as it moves downhill and erodes the bedrock through processes like abrasion and plucking. Cirques are typically the starting point for glaciers and can later develop into larger glacier valleys.

How do glacier horn form on a mountain?

Glacial horns form on mountains through the erosion caused by multiple glaciers that erode away the sides of a mountain, creating a sharp peak with steep, jagged edges. The converging glaciers grind away at the rock, creating a pointed peak known as a horn. An example of a famous horn is the Matterhorn in the Alps.

Where are ice aprons located?

Ice aprons are small accumulations of snow and ice that reside on the side of mountains. They are also called hanging glaciers.

Are bowl shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion on the side of a mountain?

Yes, bowl-shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion on the side of a mountain are called cirques. They are formed by the scouring action of glaciers as they move over the landscape, carving out the distinctive bowl shape due to their erosive power. These cirques can often contain a small lake known as a tarn once the glacier retreats.

How do mountains and oceans create deserts?

Mountains can block the flow of atmospheric moisture causing rain to fall on the windward side of the mountains. The leeward side is left dray forming a rain shadow desert. See the image above.

Which North African mountains might create a rain shadow effect?

The Atlas Mountains in North Africa can create a rain shadow effect. As moist air moves from the Mediterranean Sea towards the mountains, it is forced to rise, cool, and release moisture on the windward side. This can result in dry conditions on the leeward side of the mountains, leading to a rain shadow effect.

What are bowl shaped basins resulting from glacial erosion on the side of a mountain?

I believe Cirques are a bowl-shaped basin resulting from glacial erosion on the side of the mountain.

Why would the high mountains around Atacama lack glaciers?

The atmospheric flow in this area of South America is from the east, from the Atlantic Ocean. Any moisture would be forced to drop as rain or snow on the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains and nothing would fall on the western, or Atacama side, so no glaciers could form. The same lack of moisture is what causes the Atacama Desert.

What is a lowland between mountains?

A lowland between mountains is known as a valley. Valleys are typically formed by the gradual erosion of the land by rivers or glaciers, creating a flat or gently sloping area surrounded by higher elevation on either side. They are often fertile areas due to the accumulation of sediment and nutrients carried down from the mountains.