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Q: What is the gender of autumn?
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How many seasons are in Luxembourg?

Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.Four. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

How do you spell autumn?

That is the correct spelling for "autumn" (the fall season).

What is the opposite of autumn?

The 'opposite' of Autumn is Spring. The opposite of Autumn (Fall) is Spring.

What is the duration of Cheyenne Autumn?

The duration of Cheyenne Autumn is 2.57 hours.

What did ancient Romans call Autumn?

The word autumn comes from the ancient Etruscan root autu- and has within it all sorts of connotations of the passing of the year. The Etruscans lived in ancient Italy. The root autu- was borrowed by the neighboring Romans, and became the Latin word autumnus.

How tall is Autumn Bliss?

Autumn Bliss is 157 cm.

Is November autumn or winter England?


What are autumn crops?

crops that groow in the autumn.

When was To Autumn created?

To Autumn was created in 1819.

Who is Autumn Kelsey?

Autumn Kelsee is Autumn Gaylord's married name after marrying Ryan Kelsee.

What is a better scene name Acid Autumn or Autumn Acid for a scene name?

Autumn Acid

Can you make a sentence using the word autumn?

The leaves turn colors in the autumn. It was the autumn of her life.