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Q: What is another word for rain snow sleet and hail?
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What is three types of precipitation?

The 4 main precipitaions are rain, hail, sleek and snow

What are two forms of precipitation?

Two forms of precipitation are rain, which is water falling from clouds in liquid form, and snow, which is ice crystals falling from clouds in solid form.

What are 4 examples for precipitation?

hail,rain,and snow

What are the four major types of precipitation?

The four major types of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Rain is liquid water droplets falling to the ground, snow is ice crystals falling to the ground, sleet is rain that freezes as it falls, and hail is ice pellets formed in strong thunderstorms.

A poem using the following words rain snow sleet and hail?

Rain, snow, sleet, and hail, Nature's elements set sail. Each unique, yet part of the same, Dancing together in a poetic, wild game.

When do rain and hail and sleet and snow occur?

Sleet, Hail, and Snow: in the winter Sleet: -4 to 14 degrees F.

What is the word for rain sleet hail or snow?

rain flooding

What is pecipitate?

rain, hail, sleet, snow

Water falls to the earth in the form of?

precipitation, taking the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

What are 4 form of precipitation?

The four forms of precipitation are rain, snow, sleet, and hail. Rain is liquid water falling from clouds, snow is frozen water crystals, sleet is a mixture of rain and snow that partially melts before reaching the ground, and hail is round balls of ice that form in strong thunderstorms.

Which is an example of preciptation?

In regards to weather, precipitation is rain,snow,sleet etc

What is another name for precipatation?

Another name for precipitation is rainfall.