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Q: What is a land mass with a high elevation that is often jagged and rocky or covered in tree or snow?
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How the rocky mountain differ from the Appalachian mountains?

The Appalachians are older than the Rockies, and they are weathered and smooth. The Rockies are jagged and rough. The Appalachian mountains are covered with trees and brush, and many of the Rocky mountains are bare rock.

How do the rocky mountain differ from Appalachian mountain?

The Appalachians are older than the Rockies, and they are weathered and smooth. The Rockies are jagged and rough. The Appalachian mountains are covered with trees and brush, and many of the Rocky mountains are bare rock.

What are the characteristics of a young mountain?

Tall, rocky, jagged peaks are young: Himalayas Low, tree covered, rounded, hill-like features are old: Appalachians

Does The Rocky Mountains have low relief and high elevation?

no the rocky mountains have high relief and high elevation

Why are desert landscapes jagged and rocky?

Desert landscapes are often jagged and rocky due to the erosion caused by wind and water. Over time, these forces wear down softer rock layers, leaving behind harder, more resistant rocks that form jagged peaks and ridges. Additionally, the lack of vegetation in deserts means there are fewer roots to hold the soil in place, leading to more erosion and exposed rocky terrain.

Another word for rough?

Mean, Hard,,,

What is the elevation in meters of the Rocky Mountains?

2,000 meters

When was Big Rocky Fork Covered Bridge created?

Big Rocky Fork Covered Bridge was created in 1900.

What is the elevation of range of the rocky mountain?

Well it is a high elevation because it is 6,560 feet and 2,000 meters.

What colonial harbor region had rocky soil?

The New England colonial harbor region had rocky soil. It also had a jagged coastline and hilly terrains. It is home to the Boston harbor.

What region has flat lands that gradually increase in elevation westward and is covered in dry grasslands?

One example for of such a place is the Great Plains. They are dry grasslands that slowly increase in elevation as you move west, until they reach the base of the Rocky Mountains. There may also be other places that fit this description.

Do the Rocky Mountains have low relief?

No. High relief and high elevation .