1 piste Noun, feminine (a) (of animal, person) track, tracks, trail
(b) (of police enquiry) lead, line of enquiry
(c) (Sport: in stadium) track; (in horseracing) course; (for skating) rink; (in skiing) slope, piste; ski hors ~ off-piste skiing, off-piste; faire du ski hors ~ to go off-piste
(d) ~ (de danse) dance floor
(e) (at airport) runway, smallerairstrip
(f) (Cinema, Music Tech) track
the word for "and" in French is "et"
There are many programs which are available to translate something from French to English. In Google Chrome, there is an option to translate at the top of the page.
pyroplasmose means piroplasmosis in english. You can translate other words by going on Google Translate.
I need to translate this document from English to French before our meeting tomorrow.
excellent (came from french)
To translate French to English, one can use a dictionary but the easiest way to translate would be by using Google Translate. This allows a user to translate between many different languages and is done instantly on a computer.
She used Google Translate to quickly translate the text from English to Spanish.