Yes, you can cut your lawn anytime you want, winter (of course, most people don't have to in the winter), spring, summer and fall. Grass is not affected by frost or freezing. In the winter, it basically goes to sleep (in the northeast). The only problem grass has is if in the winter, there is not enough snow cover, the ground freezes real deep and roots of the grass can be damaged. But mowing and then having a frost is absolutely no problem. Actually, here is a hint--it is more dangerous to mow your lawn in the middle of the hot august dogdays than it is before a freeze. Lawns in the summer should be kept mowed to highest possible height to protect the soil and the tender roots of the grass.
Yes it should cut grass without leaving a streak uncut. You may want to check your blades - they may be worn and getting shorter.
can you start new fountain grass plants from the seed
Cut it back either late fall or winter, once it has died off for the year. Remove the dead portion of the grass prior to new growth appearing in the spring.
Because they always try to be better than you
Because the grass plants don't require as much energy to renew their growth as when they are cut a bit shorter. If grass was cut quite short, it takes more energy reserves and more effort for the grass to renew its growth to the point of maturity.
You should cut Zoysia grass lawns at heights of 1-2 inches above the soil line.
New grass seed can be cut once it has reached about 3 inches in length.
Usually, the higher the number, the higher the grass will be cut. The higher of which number? If you have a riding mower, the numbers will be on the slot where the the lever for the blades is located. If you have a regular push mower, there will be no numbers. In that case, the higher slot that you use will mean a shorter cut of the grass. Okay, what and where is the slot located?
There is the first cut, and then the rough. The first cut is longer than the fairway, but shorter than the rough.
Do you have an allergy to cut grass?
You should get a bob cut that has the pointy part in the front and gets shorter in he back.
A dog's hair and fur protect it from cold in the winter, and from the hot sun and warm weather in the summer. This works OK for a dog, since they do not sweat like humans to lose heat. A dog's coat should be neatly trimmed for appearance, but not cut very much shorter. Heavy brushing in the Spring and in Fall is good to clean out dead or dying hair.