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Q: Records holds and freezes are lifted 180 days following receipt of the original notice?
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Related questions

What is a duplicate receipt?

A duplicate receipt is an additional copy of an original receipt that contains the same information. It is usually issued if the original receipt is lost, damaged, or needed for record-keeping purposes. Duplicate receipts are helpful for tracking expenses and maintaining accurate financial records.

Do you return the first receipt when you exchange an item?

No... The original receipt is your proof of purchase - and you will need to take it with you. If you exchange an item (perhaps because it's faulty) - the store will issue a new receipt at the time of exchange, and return your original receipt.

In getting a rebate the original receipt may be required?


Can you scan a paper receipt onto your computer and then print it out when you need it?

It depends on the receipt. Some companies require original receipts not copies.

What copy of the receipt do you keep?

I believe you give the original and you keep the carbon copy

Can you return an unopened DVD with the original receipt at target?

it depends where u bought it from

What is cashbook?

A cashbook is a special subsidiary book which primarily records all cash receipt and cash payments

How can you tell what year your gun was made?

Serial number or features or original receipt as a rule

Who was the original receipt for Kentucky Fried Chicken made by?

Whoever sold it first I guess, like when I buy something from a store I usually get the receipt from the same place :P

Is a fax copy of receipt equal a legal document?

once a customer gets a receipt showing a item paid in full ....nil balance owing, can the business owner claim a computer glitch caused the wrong amount & ask for more money.... 3 months after the receipt was issued

Which of the following are misconceptions relating to the receipt of unauthorized disclosures by the media?

"Journalist"..... Unauthorized...... Not the : "The IC" answer

What case came with a 1955 browning sweet sixteen?

No way to know unless you have the original receipt.