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The name Nikita is a girls name and is a very nice one.

Actually, it is male OR female, meaning Unconquerable.

This is a Greek name originally used for the boys. Widely used in Russia to name boys. Not even considered for girls in Slavic countries. Apparently was misinterpreted on the West because of the Elton song and Luc Besson movie.

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Q: Is the name Nikita a girls or a boys name?
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Is Nikita a girls name or a boys name?

It depends where you are from. In most of Europe and in Northern America it is a girls name. However in Russia and former USSR, Nikita is a unisex name. It's origins are from Ancient Greece, originally being "Niketas" (Νικήτας). It means "Victorious" in Greek.

What is the meaning of nikita?

The name Nikita is of Greek origin and can be used for both males and females. The meaning of Nikita is unconquered. A famous person named Nikita is the late Nikita Khrushchev, a leader of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

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