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Q: Is ice cream in french masculine or feminine?
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Is ice cream feminine in french?

its not masculine or feminime

Is the word glace in french feminine or masculine?

"The ice" in English translates to "la glace" in French which means that it is feminine.

Is ice cream translated into french un or une glace?

You could say "une glace" (feminine).

Is patinoire masculine or feminine?

Ice skating is usually expressed as a verb in French, so it is neither masculine or feminine. To ice skate: patiner for example: Do you want to go ice skating tomorrow? Tu veux aller patiner demain?

What is the word for yummy in French?

It all depends on what your describing. If the noun you're describing is masculine or plural (such as french fries [les frites] or cake [le gateaux]) then you use delicieux. If the noun is feminine (such as ice cream [la glace]) you'd use delicieuse.

How do you say vanillia ice cream in french?

Vanilla ice cream is "la glace a la vanille" in French

What is the English phrase 'ice cream float' in French?

"Soda � la glace" or "Soda � la crème glacée" are French equivalents of the English phrase "ice cream float."Specifically, the word "soda" is an English loan word. The prepositon "�" literally means "at, to." The feminine singular definite article "la" means "the." The feminine noun "glace" means "ice cream." The feminine noun "crème" means "cream." The feminine adjective "glacée" means "frozen, iced, icy."The respective pronunciations are "soh-dah la glahss" and "soh-dah lah krehm glah-seh."

How do you say ice cream van in French?

The ice cream van is 'le camion du marchand de glaces' in French.

How do you say ice cream maker or ice cream chef in French?

Type your answer here... In ice cream it is, crem di chef orl orb

what is your fav flavor of ice cream?

My flavor ice cream is french vanilla

What is the difference between il and la in Italian?

"Il" is a masculine singular definite article in Italian used before masculine nouns, while "la" is a feminine singular definite article used before feminine nouns. "Il" is equivalent to "the" for masculine words, and "la" is equivalent to "the" for feminine words.

Is ice cream french?

Many forms are, especially french barrel-churned ice creams.