Yes. The word "fold" has a long O (oh) sound, as in bold and cold.
Yes. The sound is a long O, to rhyme with other -old words such as bold and cold.
The O has a long O (oh) sound, as in bold and gold.
The O has a long O vowel sound as in foe and cold.
Yes, "sold" has a long "o" sound because the "o" is pronounced like "oh" in this word.
"Hold" has a short vowel sound for the letter 'O'.
The O in 'who' is long, but it isn't a long 'o'. It's a long 'u'.
Yes, in the word "fold," the letter 'o' represents a short 'o' vowel sound (/Ι/ in IPA).
The word "robe" has a long o sound.
The word "note" has a long o sound.
The word "gone" has a long 'o' sound.
Yes, "flower" is a word with five letters, so it is not considered a long O word. It has the O sound, but it is not a long O sound.