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Countries in the Western Hemisphere include North and South America, Greenland and part of Africa so you can see that some places are warm some are cold

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Q: In the far north and south the western hemisphere stays cold?
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What is the western hemisphere land like?

The Western Hemisphere consists of diverse landscapes, including mountains, deserts, plains, forests, and coastlines. It is home to a wide range of climates, from arctic in the north to tropical in the south. The land is rich in natural resources and supports a variety of ecosystems and habitats.

What happens to the southern hemisphere when earths hemisphere points toward the sun?

by what ever end is in summertime right now. That is how you will know which hemisphere is pointing toward the sun.

Where do the lines of longitude run from?

The lines of longitude run from the North Pole to the South Pole, intersecting at the poles and creating a full circle around the Earth. They are also known as meridians.

Why is it that the water along the equator is colder then the water to the north and south?

because the currents push the warm water to the north or the south, so little warm water accually stays directly on the equator.

Why is it light outside at night up north in the US?

It stays light longer in the north of the US than in the south of the US because the north of the country faces the sun for a longer period of time.

Where does Santa stay when he is on vacation?

The south pole to see his brother and there adopted elves!The south pole to see his brother and there adopted elves!

What way does the equator travel?

The equator stays right where it is ... all the way around the Earth, exactly midway between the north and south poles.

Why is the south the darkest part of the earth at the solstice?

winter solstice

How hot does the Equator get?

As we all know that equator is the imaginary line which divides earth into two hemisphere, northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. The sun rays fall directly on the equator as a reason it stays hot the whole year.

How does the equator get so hot?

As we all know that equator is the imaginary line which divides earth into two hemisphere, northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere. The sun rays fall directly on the equator as a reason it stays hot the whole year.

What is the compass used for?

it is used for you to find north. the arrow that stays in a direction points north

Was they ever time where it's being dark during the day like dinner time or light all night like one forty in the morning with the sun out?

Definitely. Both of those things happen all the time if you're in the right place.-- If you're anywhere north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle, thenthere's some time during the year when the sun stays up for more than 24 hours,and there's another time of the year when the sun stays down for more than 24hours. That can't happen anywhere else.-- The closer you are to either the north pole or the south pole, the longer the sun canstay up, and the longer it can stay down.-- If you're AT the north pole or the south pole, the sun stays up for six months,and then it sets and stays down for the other six months of the year.