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You feel a dysphoric feeling - meaning "not so well feeling". Your body seeks warmth, so as to avoid unpleasant skin sensations, joint stiffness, runny nose, and concentration which is sometimes not as sharp. Shivering may occur, which represents the body's way of trying to move rapdily, so as to warm up.

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Q: How do you feel when you feel cold?
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If you use tapwater, you may feel cold but if you use a heater, you wont feel cold.

Is it good if a human can't feel the cold?

It's bad if you can't feel cold because your body is supposed to be hot or cold. If you can't feel cold, see a doctor.

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Like for humans, u feel cold these little birds feel too.

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if there is wind i feel its cold

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When they feel hot they think it's hot n feel cold then they feel cold

Why do you feel cold when touching ice?

Bcause its cold

Do heroin addicts feel cold all the time?

I am a heroin addict and I do feel cold except when I am on heroin.

Is a cold a verb?

Cold is not a verb. The verbs in the following sentences are "am" and "feel": I am cold or I feel cold. The verbs link the subject (I) with further information about the sibject. Cold can also be used as an adjective: The cold, dark winter was gloomy. Or as a noun: I have a cold.

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Why does your hand feel cold when eating an ice lolly?

Because the ice lolly is making you feel cold x

What does it mean for your head to be cold?

feel cold water in the head

Why do you feel colder after meals?

You may feel cold after cold meals such as a smoothie or salad. The cold substances go into your warm stomach and make you feel cold. For example, if a really rainy day happened, and then the sun came out, you would see steam rising off of the ground. The water is evaporating. So that's what makes you feel cold.