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Q: Do goats hibernate through the winter?
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Do mountain goats hibernate or migrate?

Neither. Not all animals hibernate or migrate. Fish and birds migrate and only a few mammals hibernate in regions with summer and winter.

Why are lizards not seen during winter?

Lizards are cold blooded and they hibernate over the winter since they cannot move fast.

How does a grizzly feed itself in the winter month?

It doesn't. Grizzly bears hibernate through winter

When animals hibernate?

They hibernate in winter

When do grizzly bears Hibernate?

January to December

Are koalas like bears in the way that they sleep all winter long?

Koalas don't hibernate through Winter.

Why do bears hibernate until spring?

Bears hibernate until spring because during the winter, their food supply shrinks. If they were to stay awake through the winter, they would die from starvation.

Is monkey can takes a long sleep in winter?

I think you are trying ask:do monkeys hibernate in winter?The answer is, no, monkeys do not hibernate in winter.Only reptiles hibernate in winter.

Do ermines hibernate in winter?

No, ermines do not hibernate in winter. They are active year-round and have adapted to the cold weather by growing a thicker coat of fur to keep warm during the winter months. They continue to hunt for food in the snow-covered landscape.

What do pandas do in the winter hibernate migrate or adapt?

they do not hibernate!

Does the honeybee hibernate in the winter?

It does hibernate but some do die.

Do Buffalo hibernate during the winter?

No, buffalo do not hibernate.