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Q: Do coopers hawks go south for the winter?
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In the winter Burrowing Owls go to the South of America.

Where is south for the winter?

Well south for the winter in were animals go for a warmer climate so depending on where you live where ever south is south for the winter so say you live in Kansas south might be Oklahoma or texas or reigions lower than that

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no they fly away for the winter

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Yes, they go south for the winter.

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South o stay worm for the winter

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they go south for winter

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South... I think. Isn't that where ducks go for the winter. Ill do some research and get back to you on it.

Where do geese go in the winter?

Some fly south, some choose not to migrate at all because they can withstand the winter temperatures. It's up to the goose. Those that do migrate, at least those who use the Mississippi Flyway, spend the winter in southern United States and Mexico. Smart bird, if you ask me!