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Yes, by putting Sprite in an ice cube tray and freezing themm..

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Q: Can you make sprite ice cubes?
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Related questions

Which ice cubes melt faster in sprite or water?

Sprite. Bubbles allowing the heat to conduct with the solution more vigoresly.

How do make ice cubes?

Well, the general way of making ice cubes is filling ice cube trays with water and putting them in a freezer, or you can buy a fridge that has an ice cube machine to make ice cubes for you.

Why does Coca-Cola melt faster than sprite?

Drinks are liquid and cannot melt. Perhaps you mean the ice cubes ?

Hollow ice cubes?

Hollow ice cubes are faster to make and have more surface area in your drink.

How do you turn colourful ice cubes to white ice cubes?

Why turn them into plain clear ice cubes when u can have colorful ice cubes? colorful ice cubes are awesome

Does ice cubes in soda make it more healthy?

No. Unless adding ice cubes to soda means you drink less soda.

Pinky wants to make chilled lime juice as fast as possible what should she add first- sugar or ice cubes why?

how can we make chilld lime juice as fast as possible by adding sugar or by adding ice cubes

What can make ice cubes melt fast?


How does a penguin make ice cubes?

Trying to be funny are you

How do you make ice cubes with what materials?

Water, an ice cube tray and a freezer.

About how many ice cubes make up one cup of ice?

Approximately 16-18 ice cubes make up one cup of crushed ice, while for larger cubes, it may take 8-10 to make up a cup. The actual number can vary based on the size of the ice cubes and how they are packed.

How long does a top freezer-refrigerator take to make ice cubes?

It typically takes about 3-4 hours for a top freezer-refrigerator to make ice cubes after initially turning on the ice maker and ensuring it is connected to a water supply.