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yes they are

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Q: Are toboggans used in snow
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What is a toboggans?

Toboggans are little things like boards that u can use in the snow... Hope l could help!

What kind of transportation did the Woodland First nations use?

These are some of what they used: Canoes Snow Shoes Toboggans Tumplines

Did the fur traders travel by canoes and toboggans?


What do people traditionally pull at Christmas?

Cheezits Snowball attacks, sleds, sleighs, and toboggans are pulled at any time that there is enough snow on the ground.

Did the Micmac tribe use the toboggan?

Not only did they use it they are said to have invented it. In fact, our word "toboggan" comes from the Mi'kmaq "taba'gan." Toboggans were traditionally made out of bark and animal skins. They were constructed of long, thin strips of cedarwood about 6 feet long. They were used by hunters, trappers and families to transport food and furs. Toboggans were ideal for hauling heavy loads in deep snow. The curved front allowed the toboggan to ride easily over mounds and bumps with less effort than other sleds.

What transportation ojibway use?

The Ojibwa used Birch tree Canoes,Toboggans,and snow shoes

Why are toboggans made from ash?

Ash has a good strength to weight ratio, is shock resistant and most importantly for toboggans, it steam-bends easily.

What 9 letter word for sledges?


Children use the sledge to play on the snow?

They use a sledge but it has nothing to do with a sledge hammer! A sledge and sleigh are very similar... in fact, I could not tell you the difference between the two. There's also toboggans.

What were two skills or ideas did the European and Indians exchange back then?

Two skills that the Indians gave the Europeans were to use birchbark canoes and make snow shoes and toboggans for winter travel. Hope the helps :)

What is Ellen's secret word for December 31?


What are the names given to racing toboggans?

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